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Welcome, coaches! This guidebook is designed to support you in seamlessly integrating the Engineering Machine Design Contest (EMDC) into your setting – whether it be as part of a class, an out-of-school experience, homeschool group, or any other setting. By following this guide, you will […]
Welcome, First-Time Coach! Congratulations on embarking on an exciting journey as a coach for the Engineering Machine Design Contest. As a first timer, we understand that you might have questions about how to get started and ensure your team’s success. Do not worry; we have got […]
The Engineering Machine Design Contest is an opportunity to showcase your creativity, problem-solving skills, and teamwork. Enjoy the process, embrace challenges, and have fun while building your amazing chain reaction machine! A predictable and reliable chain reaction machine is crucial for a success machine. By following […]
An energy transfer refers to the process of energy being transmitted or passed from one system or component to another. In a chain reaction machine, energy transfers are crucial for the continuous and sequential activation of different components, ultimately leading to the desired outcome. These […]
Be sure to review the EMDC Handbook for specific rules related to mechanical components.  A mechanical component or a “simple machine” is one that converts or transfers energy from one source to another physically. It is the simplest form of using one thing to accomplish […]
The six simple machines are fundamental mechanical devices that provide a foundation for understanding more complex machines. They are often referred to as the building blocks of machines and can be used individually or in combination to perform various tasks. Simple machines can be combined […]
The following is a list of example mechanical components and safety considerations. This is not an exhaustive list but can be a good jump start to brainstorm ideas.   Levers and Linkages: These components utilize the principle of leverage to amplify or redirect forces. They consist […]
Be sure to review the EMDC Handbook for specific rules related to chemical reaction components.  A chemical reaction component refers to a specific element or mechanism within the machine that involves a chemical reaction to trigger or contribute to the overall chain reaction process. These […]
The following is a list of example chemical reaction components and safety considerations. This is not an exhaustive list but can be a good jump start to brainstorm ideas.  Vinegar and Baking Soda Reaction: This classic chemical reaction involves the mixing of vinegar (acetic acid) […]
Be sure to review the EMDC Handbook for specific rules related to electrical components.  An electrical component in a chain reaction machine refers to a module or device that is powered by the flow of electrical charges to trigger or contribute to the overall chain […]
The following is a list of example electrical components and safety considerations. This is not an exhaustive list but can be a good jump start to brainstorm ideas.   Electromagnetic Switch: An electromagnetic switch can be used to control the flow of electricity and activate or […]
Be sure to review the EMDC Handbook for specific rules related to fluid power components.  A fluid power component in a chain reaction machine refers to a module or device that utilizes the power of fluids, such as liquids or gases, to generate mechanical motion […]
The following is a list of example fluid power components and safety considerations. This is not an exhaustive list but can be a good jump start to brainstorm ideas.   Pneumatic Cylinder: This component uses compressed air or gas to generate linear motion. When the air […]
Planning out the order of steps for a chain reaction machine in the engineering machine design contest requires careful consideration and strategic thinking.   Here are some tips and examples to help you plan the order effectively:   Example of Machine Step Sequence  Let’s consider an example […]
In the EMDC, the most exciting chain reaction machines are often the ones that use objects in unconventional and unexpected ways. By thinking outside the box, you can create a unique and captivating chain reaction that will impress the judges. Safety is crucial when working […]
Advanced teams looking for a challenge might consider synchronizing steps in their machine and timing their machine to utilize the full run time allowed. Creating a chain reaction machine with multiple steps that operate synchronously (or at the same time) and are timed appropriately can […]
Let’s explore the iterative design process and how it can help you create an amazing chain reaction machine. Iterative design is all about making improvements and refinements through multiple cycles of testing, feedback, and redesign.  Understanding Iterative Design  What is Iterative Design? Iterative design is a […]
To create an impactful chain reaction machine, it is important to consider how judges will observe and appreciate your creation. The following will guide you through design considerations to ensure your machine is easily observed in action.    Visibility   Safety and Accessibility   Aesthetics and Presentation  […]
To effectively showcase your chain reaction machine, it is essential to prepare and deliver a compelling presentation. The following will provide you with valuable tips to ensure your presentation captivates the judges and highlights the intricacies of your machine.  Preparing Your Presentation   Designing Your Presentation  […]
As you work on your chain reaction machine and prepare your presentation, it’s helpful to assign specific roles to each team member. This will help ensure that everyone has a clear responsibility and contributes effectively to the project. These roles are just suggestions, and you […]
As an engineering machine design coach, your role is not only to guide your team towards success in the contest but also to create an inclusive environment where all team members feel a sense of belonging and contribute their unique strengths. By promoting collaboration and […]
The EMDC is a valuable resource that can facilitate the development of essential 21st century skills in program participants. From critical thinking to collaboration, let’s explore how this competition ignites the spark of creativity while nurturing vital skills for the future.   Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: The […]
While students may not have the same level of expertise as professional engineers, they can certainly explore and incorporate elements of various engineering disciplines in their chain reaction machines for the engineering machine design contest.  Here are how the top 10 engineering disciplines can be […]
Engineering technologies can be practiced by students in their chain reaction machines by utilizing various tools, equipment, and materials to design and construct the different components of the machine. Here’s how engineering technologies can be incorporated:   By incorporating these engineering technologies, students can gain hands-on […]
The EMDC is an exciting opportunity for students to delve into the world of engineering, engineering technology, and related fields. This contest is not just about building impressive chain reaction machines; it is also a gateway to discovering diverse and fulfilling career pathways in the […]
Through this activity, learners will have the opportunity to unleash their creativity, problem-solving skills, and teamwork abilities by designing and building their own chain reaction machines. They will learn the importance of planning, collaboration, and persistence while experiencing the thrill of watching their machines come […]
Objective: To generate creative and innovative ideas for your chain reaction machine presentation in the Engineering Machine Design Contest.   Time: 45± minutes  Materials Needed:   Instructions:   1. Introduction (5 minutes)   2. Brainstorming Session (15 minutes)   3. Idea Sharing and Discussion (10 minutes)   4. Refining and Selecting […]
Objective: To help EMDC teams brainstorm and define the task their machine will accomplish based on the given broad theme.   Time: 30± minutes   Materials Needed:   Instructions:   Handout: Brainstorming Steps   Brainstorming Your Machine Theme and Task  Brainstorming is an opportunity to explore a wide range of […]
This activity encourages team members to recognize and appreciate each other’s strengths and skills. It fosters an inclusive environment by ensuring that everyone’s ideas and contributions are valued and promotes collaboration and creativity by integrating different perspectives into the design process. Furthermore, it will set a positive […]
Objective: Students will explore various engineering career pathways by interviewing a professional engineer, gaining insights into their career, educational background, and daily responsibilities.   Time: 45± minutes  Materials:   Instructions:  
Objective: Students will research and create poster presentations showcasing different engineering career pathways and their applications in the real world.   Time: 60± minutes  Materials:   Instructions:  
Objective: Students will participate in a simulated engineering career fair, where they research, prepare, and role-play as engineers from various disciplines.   Time: 60± minutes  Materials:   Instructions:  
Subject: Seeking Sponsorship for Engineering Machine Design Contest – [Team Name]   Dear [Company/Individual Name],   I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out on behalf of [Team Name], a group of enthusiastic and talented students participating in the Engineering Machine Design Contest. Our […]
[Your Name]   [Your Address]   [City, State, Zip Code]   [Email Address]   [Phone Number]   [Date]      [Company/Individual Name]   [Company Address]   [City, State, Zip Code]      Dear [Company/Individual Name],   I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. My name is [Your Name], and I am […]
[Team Member 1]: Good [Morning/Afternoon], [Company/Individual Name]. My name is [Team Member 1], and I am part of [Team Name], a group of passionate students participating in the Engineering Machine Design Contest.   [Team Member 2]: We are reaching out to local industries like yours because […]
Subject: Seeking Sponsorship for Engineering Contest – [Team Name]   Dear [Company/Individual Name],   We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. We are [Your Team Name], a passionate and dedicated team of students participating in the Engineering Machine Design Contest. We are […]
Shared by Alexa Hurd, Wildlands School I’m excited that you’ve chosen to develop an EMDC team! I am a teacher at Wildlands School, a project-based program in Fall Creek, Wisconsin.  I have a math/science background but get to teach all the subjects at Wildlands with […]
Shared by Brad Blue, New Century School The temptation to ‘get the classroom ready’, every year, every fall, is strong. Most walls are bare and rooms sterile – though clean, finally! I resist hanging generic posters and other fillers. In the early years, this was […]
By Valerie Lockhart, CodeSavvy Learn how to integrate AI and prompt engineering into the engineering design process, enhancing your ability to develop innovative, user-centric solutions. You will learn to apply both technical and creative thinking skills, exploring the intersections of AI, engineering design, and design […]
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