Machine Runs

During each round, the Machine Design and Operation Score will be determined by having each machine run twice. There are two ways for how machine runs happen. The contest organizer will determine how their contest runs.

A single run should be no more than two minutes. After a machine finishes a run, a designated team member must announce to the judges that the run is complete. This is when the timer will stop the recorded run time. Machine runs over two minutes will incur a 5-point penalty.

  1. Machine Run Type 1: Run One will take place immediately following the Team Presentation. After judging the Team Presentation and Run One, the judging group will move on to the next team in the cluster, leaving the previous team to reset their machine for Run Two. Between each run of the machine, teams will have at least four minutes to prepare their machines for Run Two. After the minimum four minute period the judges may return at any time. Any delay in judging due to a team continuing to work on their machine will result in a 5-point penalty.
  2. Machine Run Type 2: Run One will take place immediately following the Team Presentation. After judging the Team Presentation and Run One, the judging group will observe the team as they reset their machine. Teams will have four minutes to prepare their machines for Run Two. The team will immediately complete Run Two. Any delay in judging due to a team continuing to work on their machine will result in a 5-point penalty.