
  1. Eligibility: Public, private, and home school teams can participate. Teams can include students from multiple schools if necessary.
  2. Team Composition: Each team must have 3 to 12 students. Schools may register multiple teams. A student can only participate on one team. Teams with fewer than 3 or more than 12 members must get approval from the contest organizer with a justification for the team size.
  3. Divisions: Teams compete in either the Junior Division (grades 5-8) or the Senior Division (grades 9-12). Divisions are judged separately but follow the same process. A team with members from both divisions competes in the Senior Division.
  4. Mentorship: Teams are encouraged to seek assistance from a mentor, teacher, or coach. Mentors may be technical professionals or post-secondary students with an engineering or science background. The mentor provides technical guidance as needed.